Destruction of nature is not development

Destruction of nature is not development. We are heading towards an Ecological collapse of our Planet Earth. Human activities have become destructive than preservative. We need to address these environmental issues on a fast track basis. Scientific experiments have provided us enough evidences of imminent disasters that are likely to strike the human race and the earth, sooner than later. It is time for us to initiate immediate measures for preserving this great home of ours with solutions that are simple, replicable and economical
Vision-2013 of Save Our Earth Club, Hunsur, aims at management of these issues during the academic year 2013-2014 through environmental activities by the student community to whom the future world belongs.
SAVE TREES – SAVE EARTH: Paper is used everywhere . The process of manufacturing new paper causes lots of damage to the nature. It has been estimated that recycling half the world’s paper would avoid cutting of 20 million acres of forestland. So these losses can be overcome by recycling the used paper. Evidence: Recycling of one ton of paper can save 17 mature trees, 7 thousand gallons of water, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, 320 liter of oil, and 4,100 kilowatt-hours of electricity – enough energy to power a home for six months.
By involving students/volunteers to bring all kinds of paper lying as waste in homes/business places/government organizations etc. is collected On Saturday the June 9th, 2013 all are requested to bring a minimum of about two kilograms of waste/unwanted paper to Town Hall ground and hand over the same to the Collection Vehicles parked. The collected paper is segregated and moved to the Recycling Plant in Hunsur for conversion into usable paper and further into Note Books for school children.
It is proposed to present one truck load of such recycled usable paper to the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka at Bengaluru for use in his office and also to direct other schools/colleges to adopt such methods through their Eco Clubs or Nature Clubs in Karnataka.
If this waste paper finds its way to the garbage bin, that much of precious paper goes waste and for manufacturing that much of paper, a number of trees are cut. This activity based knowledge will create awareness in the minds of the budding youngsters and will help the earth to survive with more greenery.
This is a novel and noble environmental cause and participation of all school/college children will go a long way in creating awareness on environmental issues in and around Hunsur Town.
MY PLANET MY FUTURE: – Main purpose is to create awareness on environmental issues / problems to the student / volunteer community for their in-depth examination / discussions through trials, exhibiting environmental documentaries by visual multimedia in schools/colleges/public gatherings etc., for creating awareness among the students/public and for engaging them for arriving at localized solutions for adoption for the good of the mankind.
Date : – June 8th 2013 Venue: – Town Hall. Time: – 8 AM
Chief Guest : – H.P. Manjunatha MLA, Hunsur.
Event Supporters : – Jayprakash Narayan Memorial Janata Trust, Hunsur.
Cooperation : – Town Municipal Council, Hunsur
Karnataka State Forest Department, Wild life and Forest, Hunsur
Education Department,Hunsur
Support the Event for success.
Thanking you
(Sanjay Hunsur)